August 28, 2009

We survived...and other stuff

So we all made it through the first day of kindergarten! M, of course, had a blast. She made a few friends, of which she remember zero names. Her teacher seems great, and she has a nice, small class. 16 kids...which I think is fantastic for living in the city. I also am so happy that her school does the Pledge of Allegiance and sings the Star Spangled Banner every morning. I thought they stopped doing that in schools, but I'm glad that they didn't.

But my new dilemma...what the heck do I do all day long with just myself and an 8 month old??? Sure, I clean the house, cook, laundry...all that fun stuff. But that doesn't fill up 8 hours of the day! I do have a quilt started for K that I could finish, and M wants one too. So I guess that is what I should be doing. I DO have to admit that it's nice to be able to turn on the TV and not be stuck watching PBS kids.

So, on my agenda for today: make menu for the week, grocery shopping, clean, laundry, figure out where the funny smell is coming from (stupid cat), hit the post office, and sell more crap on eBay. I put a few things on eBay and Craigslist yesterday and every.single.thing sold! Wooo! So now that it's just K and I during the day, we can secretly sell Jason and M's stuff and use the money to go shopping all day!! (Shhhhh)

Edited to add: For those that are telling me to stop my whining (about not having a clue what to do with all of my "free" time during the day) I am seriously not whining...just contemplating what to do with my time. I find it very mind-numbing to be bored, and I am not happy unless my time is spent doing something productive...that's all I was saying!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! That's great she is doing well! My "baby" girl is starting on Tuesday. I've had some similar thoughts too. It will be strange just having my eight month old here. I have to keep myself somewhat busy too, more than just housework. I think I am going to join a ladies' small group at church, and try to go to the gym more. Also, I am one of the leaders for a MOPS group, and will be volunteering once a week in my older kids' classrooms.
