October 13, 2009

A productive day..finally

And I really needed one because I have been slacking lately! You'd think with four hours each day completely to myself (while K naps and M is at school) that I would get something done! Nope. I do all of the housework, dishes, etc before taking M to school so that I can work on my craft projects while K naps....somehow I never seem to get any projects done! Today I got 3 sewing projects done so I'm on my way to being able to open my store. I got a deal at Jo-Ann's fabric. I made two really, really cute stroller blankets. They are minky on one side and fleece on the other side so they are super soft. I almost dozed off twice while I was sewing them. Ok, not really, but I did stop sewing a couple times to feel the fabric. Call me weird. Go ahead. I also got a burp rag completed. It's cute, but it's a burp rag so I can't really make it sound all that exciting.

Today was a super Swagbucks day too. They reached 100,000 Facebook fans so they celebrated with bunches of codes. I was a little slow on some of them but I did end up bringing in 7 bucks today. So, for my grand total of Swagbucks so far....drumrolll....

And on an even better note, I scored $50 today for doing absolutely nothing. Really. I mentioned the survey site Opinion Outpost earlier. Well today I got my regular email telling me there was a survey available. After answering the initial questions I was told I didn't qualify. Boo. But, since they want you to be happy, they offer three options. You can donate a little to charity, enter a sweepstakes for $850, or take your chances at an instant win. Well, being the greedy little person I am I decided to do the instant win. And I won 500 points!!! That's $50 people. Each survey usually gives me 20 points, which is $2. So on top of the $9.00 I've earned so far, my grand total is....

I'd say I had a pretty good day!

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