September 29, 2009

Baby food and purees

Now that my little guy has has almost every fruit/vegetable I can think of, I'm really enjoying making his foods and coming up with yummy combinations. I wanted to share some of the combinations he loves best and please comment if you have others that your baby loves!

Butternut squash and peaches, with a dash of cinnamon (his favorite right now!)

Chicken with potatoes, green beans, and carrots

Pasta with tomato sauce, green peppers, red peppers, and green beans

Broccoli & chicken with a handful of shredded cheddar

Oatmeal with pumpkin and cinnamon

All of the above are foods that are pureed. He is really into finger foods right now as well and so far we've tried:

Canned peaches or pears (light, not packed in syrup) diced. Super messy but worth it!

Steamed carrots and peas

Diced up chicken breast

Shredded cheese, also very messy but he loves it!

Black olives, diced

and he loves to suck on red and green peppers!

I'm also a sucker for the commercial convenience so he also really loves Baby Mum Mums, Snikiddy puffs, and the Gerber zesty tomato thingys that look like puff Cheetos.

I really need ideas though. As much as he loves the above foods, I feel like he's not getting a lot of variety. I've heard of making baby meatballs but don't have a recipe. If you have one, please share it with me!!!


  1. Ooh, these sound great! Thanks for posting! We are having some real problems with food tolerance (suspected allergies), so we're still on mostly basics. But I can't wait until the day we can try more fun combinations!

  2. Thanks for the ideas! I have been super cautious with what Eli eats because of hereditary food allergies on hubby's side, but so far he's been doing pretty well.

  3. Matthew loves all of these, plus gnawing on a big raw carrot (no teeth yet so he can't get chunks off to choke on) and sucking on a pickle spear. Rice Krispies are messy but fun too.

  4. I made some mini-meatballs for Parker the other day. You can sub. any meat/veggie. It's not exact because I didn't measure, I was just using dinner leftovers.

    About 1/2 cooked chicken breast
    About 1/2 cup peas

    *Blend in blender with a little bit of formula until it starts to kind of stick together.

    *Put mixture in a bowl & mix with crushed up crackers until they hold together. (You can also use bread, oatmeal, etc. as the binding ingredient)

    *Roll into bite sized balls & bake @ 350 for 8 min. Freeze & thaw as needed.

    I also read on someone's facebook an idea about rinsing the sauce off of canned ravioli for easy finger feeding.

    ~Claire B.

  5. Here's another one I found on a different iv board: (omit egg or egg yolk if needed)

    1 lb ground meat (use dark meat chicken or turkey, beef, or even salmon or tofu)

    1 package of frozen spinach defrost and squeezed of excess water

    1 package of frozen butternut squash defrosted and mashed (if not already mashed)

    1 or 2 carrots shredded

    1 egg

    1/2 Cup of cooked brown rice

    2 garlic cloves minced

    Thoroughly blend like you would for a meat loaf, make patties (shape and size don't matter, only the thickness should be the same) and put on a parchment lined pan in the oven for 30 - 40 minutes at 350F.

    Sub any veggie/seasoning/meat to your child's tolerance.

    ~Claire B.
