Although I can't say that I've been overly busy, it does seem like there has been a lot going on here lately. I found out Monday that my uncle Ed passed away. Last night was the visitation. I can only hope that I have 1/4 as many people at my funeral when I'm gone! He was a great guy, and I know people always say that about someone that dies, but he truly was one of the most genuine people you'd ever have the privilege of knowing. He has been battling prostate cancer for several years now, he was told 5 years ago that he only had months to live. I feel better knowing that he is no longer going to daily chemo treatments and is no longer constantly sick.
M has also had a lot going on at school lately. We had conferences last week. This week she has/had Happy Bear visit her class, school pictures, and a trip to the pumpkin patch! It sounds like there are a lot of illnesses at her school too, so I'm just waiting for us all to get H1N1. All of us, except Jason, have been sick for a few days now but I am pretty sure it's not the flu. Usually the flu hits hard and is very sudden, the nasty illness we have has been lingering for over a week and is just stuffy noses, sore throats, coughs, and sneezes. None of us had (or will be getting) any type of flu shots this year, so I hope we can stay clear of it for as long as possible.
Jason's Extra Life charity gaming marathon was this weekend. It is nice to have it done with, since I know it was not easy for them to stay up 24 hours, staring at a TV screen. Jason loves video games more then anyone on the planet, but it is still hard to stare at a screen that long. Not to mention the fun carpal tunnel that comes with the territory. Jason and his friend Chad raised $330 for the charity, which raised $140,000 overall! Not bad for a few guys playing video games! We'll be doing it again next year, but have some fun activities planned to making it an even bigger event next year. I might even join in! And, because I love adding pictures to my posts, I leave you with some video gaming fun.

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

see more Lolcats and funny pictures
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