December 12, 2009

My mailman is a mind reader!

Apparently I just had to talk about it on my blog for it to happen!  I got Alexandria's ornament in the mail yesterday.  The picture isn't great but I think it's good enough to read the saying.  The bottom part is engraved with her name and dates:

The company that I ordered it from, New England Ornaments, is on my list of places I will definitely buy from in the future!  I always love companies that take the time to write a little personalized note on my invoice!  Here is a picture of it from their website, you can see it better:

So I mentioned that this came from the USPS, but I have to say that I'm really disappointed in UPS.  I ordered several things and two of the items were to arrive here Tuesday, via UPS.  Because of the storm they were delayed, which I understand.  But they easily could have delivered Thursday.  I got notice on Friday that they were loaded up and "out for delivery."  By 8:00 pm I had not gotten them and checked their site.  Both items were taken back and unloaded from the truck and are again delayed do to "weather or natural disaster."  Seriously, all of the roads here have been cleared since Wednesday!  One was a gift that I was planning on giving at a Christmas party today.  The other was something I needed to finish a project for the Christmas party today.  I'm also slightly disappointed in USPS.  I ordered stamps online on December 4th (I wanted pretty holiday stamps) and I still don't have them!  We only had one day without mail delivery from the storm.  So I still have not sent out Christmas cards.  If you haven't gotten one from me, don't think I forgot you!

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