March 8, 2011

Now we're back!

You know how my last post was about us being sick and then getting better?  Well guess who was sick AGAIN!!!  K and I both had some nasty cold that lasted yet another week of our winter.  I think we are now finally better (looking for a piece of wood nearby to knock on.)  So I'm going to stop talking about it all together and hope that helps.  On to better things....gardening!!!

This year we are doing a square foot garden.  I learned a little about this method from a friend and took time to research it even further.  We have a nice, large yard but thanks to gigantic oak trees, it is mostly shaded.  So I have a small area that is maybe 20 feet long, and in it I have HUGE plans!  I suggest reading up on this method if you have any interest in starting or expanding your garden.  Basically you are planting in raises beds but each bed is divided into 1 foot sections.  You would really be surprised how much you can grow with this method.  This year my plans include the following: (the number represents how many of each plant)

16 Strawberries
3 broccoli
2 cauliflower
3 cabbage
16 green onion
16 radish
8 tomato
6 green pepper
3 red pepper
4 pole beans
4 peas
9 garlic
1 butternut squash
1 pumpkin
32 carrots
8 potatoes
8 celery
9 red onion
9 white onion

and just on the deck alone, I am growing:

1 oregano
8 basil
16 chives
4 parsley
24 lettuce
18 spinach
1 thyme
1 rosemary
2 dill
3 stevia

Sounds like a lot, doesn't it!  Well i'm not counting on ALL of it growing, since this is my first year doing more than a few things, so I thought I'd plant more and just be pleasantly surprised if they all take off!  I'm starting everything from seed, most of them I will start indoors.  I have a few indoors already and they are really doing well under my new plant light.  Take a look...although you will have to look pretty closely to see most of them!

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