February 18, 2010

Another brag

Seems like I am always bragging about my son, but I do have a wonderful daughter too!  It's only fair that I get to brag about her too!  Anyone who is friends with me on Facebook has already seen this, sorry to repeat myself!  Last night we attended an art exhibit that included M's artwork.  I tried looking around online to get numbers, because this exhibit included artwork from the entire Public School district.  The numbers I found were a couple years old but there were roughly 30,000 kids in the public schools that year.  I don't know how many schools there are but M's school has about 400 students.  Each art teacher had to choose 4 students from their school, and M was chosen.  Her artwork is an "African Giraffe."  I think she did fantastic! (Remember, she is only in kindergarten!)


She used a type of watercolor in the art.  It's really hard to see her details in this photo but I think she did a great job.  We like how the leg is bent in the front :)

We were slightly disappointed that her art teacher wasn't there so we could talk to her.  I am sure she had a valid reason, since all of the other art teachers were there, but we just wanted to find out what made her decide to pick this piece.

I have two other pieces of art that she has done at home that have really impressed us, I will try to scan them so you can see.

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